Custom Variables

Custom variables are pieces of information that you can include with emails to better manage them in the future. They allow you to add unique data to each message, for example, the data can be an internal user_id, inbox_id, etc.

Adding these, e.g. your internal user ID or something else, might be useful because it helps debug your emails when necessary. Right now, Mailtrap custom variables can be retrieved only in the Email Logs feature. 

However, as we add postbacks or other ways to export events, you’ll be able to access the information about variables for each email. For now, you can only access them via Email Logs. 

How to access custom variables

As mentioned, you can access custom variables from Email Logs:  

  1. Click on the given functionality
  2. Choose an email
  3. Check the variables (Variable name 1, 2, 3…) under the Email info tab

How to set up custom variables with SMTP

Mailtrap has an option to pass unique arguments to each sent email via the ‘X-MT-Custom-Variables’. And we add the arguments to the RAW email body. Of course, the RAW data is visible to the sender but not the end-user. 

To set custom variables, you only need to set the unique argument in the following format - {"variable name": "variable value"}.

Here’s a code snippet, to show you where to look for it, and how to set the variable. Note that this applies when you set Mailtrap as your SMTP server.

curl --ssl-reqd \ --url 'smtp://' \ --user 'api:49ad7a716f18d9c64xxxxx' \ --mail-from \ --mail-rcpt \ --upload-file - < To: Mailtrap Inbox Subject: custom header You are awesome! Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="boundary-string" X-MT-Custom-Variables: {"variable name":"variable value"}--boundary-string Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline

As you can see, you only need to add the variable name and value in the given format. The exemplary mail has one variable; and you can add more, of course.

The format for adding more custom variables is - X-MT-Custom-Variables: {"variable1":"value1", "variable2":"value2"}. Also, here’s another example of how custom variables appear in Mailtrap UI.

Parts of the Sending IPs and email headers have been blurred for security.

Lastly, keep in mind that we don’t support arrays. If you want to add arrays - [“index0”,”index1”,”index2”], for example, Mailtrap only takes the first value ("index0") and ignores the rest. 

Important notes

We limit the custom variables payload to 1000 bytes, and it’s a valid JSON string. If the payload is more than 1000 bytes, Mailtrap ignores the ‘X-MT-Custom-Variables’. 

We use only - ‘X-MT-Custom-Variables’; and it can’t get appended with another one.

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